Wednesday, August 15, 2012

November 30, 2011

Well, it's Criminal Minds night.

Unfortunately, it's also rerun night.

The second one in the row.

Damn it, CBS, why do you screw us so??


Creative Writing was awkward.

The bitch couldn't keep her eyes off of me.

Hell, she basically called out about the Open Mic.

She said, and I nearly quote, that everyone had such talent. Well, everyone, but be and the anti-religious fanatic.

I let them trash talk Mit and I, until they finally stopped. Only than, I spoke.

"That's your opinion. That's fine." I took a breath. "But of course, only a few people in this room were actually there. Where do the rest of you get off? You didn't hear or see our performances. So, please grow up and learn to respect the people who actually had the courage to get up and speak."

The bitch looked at me. "I got more applause. I was the best."

I rolled my eyes. "Cocky much? And clapping means nothing."

She glared. "You didn't clap."

"I was triggered as hell. Ever hear of a warning?"

The teacher walked in right then. Hello stroke of luck.

After class, the bitch confronted me. She called me out on my "bullshit".

I stared right into her eyes. "Bullshit? I spoke my mind, the same way you always do. Maybe you should get a hint." I started to walk passed her.

"And you? What gives you the right to pass judgement?"

"I didn't. You did."

I walked away with my head held high.

I won.


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