Wednesday, August 15, 2012

November 15, 2011

Have my new story for the Box! Another Saviors Series story!

It's called "In Sickness and In Health."



A knock at the door distracted Taylor from her coughing and sneezing. “Are you still alive in there?” Zane poked his head in.

Taylor looked at him with bloodshot, watery eyes. “Barely. Did you kill Aelia for getting me sick?”

Zane came into the room and sat on the bed. “Nopes. She’s still sneezing. I’m not going anywhere near her house until she’s not contagious,” he said shaking his head.

Taylor rolled her eyes. “Seriously?”

“Yeah. I don’t want her to get me sick.”

She laughed. “Fine. I just want it on record that I’m still very contagious and if I get you sick, you can’t be mad at me.” She gave him a cheeky little grin and sneezed again.

“Ah, but here’s the thing, Tay. She’s my friend. You are the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. Big difference.”

Taylor looked at him. “Really?”

“Duh. I don’t give out engraved promise rings to every girl I meet.”

Taylor shifted on the bed, making room. “I’m having fever dreams. Stay?”

Zane slid under the comforter, making sure to leave the sheet between them. “Of course I’ll stay. At least until your father kicks me out…”

Taylor gave another laugh. “Just so you know, you’re better medicine than the crap I’m taking.”

Zane smirked. “But of course! And now, go to sleep and I should be here when you wake up.”

She gave him a quick hug and curled up next to him. “’kay.”

Zane put his arm around her and held her close. His phone beeped in his pocket. Taylor peaked at the screen the moment it was out. “Dakota texted?”

“Yeah. She’s gonna kill me.”

Taylor looked up at him. “What did you do this time, Zane Adam Michaels?”

“I left her with Aelia. Right now she’s doing a very convincing impression of that chick from the Exorcist.”

Taylor rolled her eyes and curled back up. “Yeah. She’s gonna kill you, alright.”

“Thanks ever so much for the vote of confidence, Taylor.”

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