Wednesday, August 15, 2012

November 17, 2011

Normally, I'd be gushing about Criminal Minds.

About the Hotch/Reid scene at the BAU.

About the Morgan/Reid sneaking scene.

Well, today is not a normal day.

Normally, I would write down all my tweet from last night's episode. Same with the FaceBook chat with Brittani and Wings.


I just can't.

It's about eleven PM right now.

I'm on my bed, blasting some of my old favorites on my iPod.

Tonight was the Open Mic.

Things didn't go very well.

Without going into too much detail, things came to a head.

I quit.

Then, I wrote this.


The Personification of the Double-Edged Sword

A double-edged sword.
That's a good way to describe me.

On one side, I'm quite, introverted.
I don't let my emotions out.
I'm in class, near silent.
When I do talk, I'm hard to hear.
My self esteem is that – just a phrase.
Two words on a page.
Tiny, barely there, non-existent.

The other side, however, is completely different.
I'm loud, biting.
I speak my mind, let my anger take control.
I don't bother trying to filter myself.

It's the side that few know exist.

But when my sword is swung, these sides mesh together.
They clash in a battle that can't be stopped.
And things come out in a rage.

There is a reason why I don't swing my sowed.
Why I try to keep it in its scabbard, out of sight.

I just let go.

Everything that leaves my lips are truth,

And maybe they are the words that the world doesn't want to hear.
The ones that should be locked away forever.

But… who has the right to filter this world?
Who can say whether or not I have the right to swing my sword?

I am me. Riley. Elizabeth. The woman who stands before you.
And I swing my sword tonight.


I lost my temper.

Just a little.

Whatever. Tomorrow shall be the tweets, because I managed to delete the Facebook conversation with the FLBAU (i.e. Brittani and Wings).

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

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