Wednesday, August 15, 2012

November 11, 2011

I'm sitting in the resort's food court!


Sorry, I'm just a bit excited.

We go on the road right at two, and got to the resort by four, which was our target time. The guy at the front desk gave me my Birthday badge, when I wasted no time in putting on. Once we got up to the room, we quickly settled and headed off onto our first adventure.

Downtown Disney.

And what an adventure that was!

Our bus driver either was on his first day on the job, or at least first day on the route. It took triple the length it should have, and we were tossed and turned like rag dolls.

Luckily, once we got there, things started shaping up.

We got out passes for the parks, and did some shopping for the boys for Christmas. Plus I came up with some ideas for other people - including Mom!

It'll write more later, when we get to the park!

I wonder which one it will be...


How about Disney's Hollywood Studios?

Mom and I still call it by its former name, Disney-MGM Studios. We love confusing some people. LOL

We were one of the first to ride The Great Movie Ride, and we even got up front! Never done that before.

From there, we went tot he Muppet's 3D Show, one that we always ride, without fail. I still love it.

I rode the new Star Tours, and boy, was that an adventure. Stupid whiny kid nearly ruined the ride for me. Luckily, I've gotten real good at ignoring whiny brats.

Lunch was at Pizza Planet, where I conquered two full rounds of DDR, and told off one mother who encouraged her young son to get on the machine and "help" me, only to harp when I almost instantly hit him. Sorry, lady, I'm focused on the screen. Move your kid. I like my perfect score.

After that minor fiasco, we went tot he Indiana Jones Stunt Show, which was brilliant, as always. Almost immediately after that, we headed over to watch the Beauty and the Beat show, which I complained through.

Our final show of the day nearly gave everyone a heart attack. We saw the Lights, Motors, Actions; Extreme Stunt Show, a car show with tricks and explosions. It was perfect and flawless, up until the second to last segment. The driver (the "hero") slipped grabbing a rope and crashed. Luckily, he wasn't going too fast, and was completely fine. Still, it scared the living daylights out of me.

Once that was over, we had reservations at the Prime Time Drive In, our favorite restaurant at MGM. Mom and I both love making fun of the old B-movie trailers and eating the really good food.

From there, we looked at the lights and headed back to the resort, where I am now, complaining about not having free internet.

Whatever. I need sleep. Tomorrow is a big park!

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