Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Well, that's the end. Class ends today.

It's been one hell of a ride.


I need to ice down my hand.

See ya!

~Riley Harrison
December 8, 2011

December 8, 2011

Here are the Criminal Minds tweets!

[[78 Tweets here. I'm saving my fingers by not typing them up. XD]]

December 7, 2011




Tweets tomorrow!!

December 6, 2011

So, we finished the pictures today!

My Creative Writing project is coming along.


December 5, 2011

I hate my life.

I like Ben.

I really do.

But he is just so CLINGY!

I have issues.

December 4, 2011

So, without going into detail, I went on a date with Ben.

It was nice.

Maybe this will be a nice new relationship.

December 3, 2011

One day there was a magical princess... who died because her Prince wouldn't kiss her. Why not? He was gay.

The end.


Sorry, I wanted to annoy Katiana... XD

ANYway, I went to see the new Pokemon movie.

It was horrible.

I need acid.

December 2, 2011

So... I'm cramming for my exams.

I officially have WAY too much Creative Writing for my final. Plus, I have my Intro to Sci. essay due. Hell, I even have to begin studying for my ASL final.

Me thinks I'm gonna die in the next days.

December 1, 2011

So... I got in an argument with my Creative Writing teacher.

I'm sorry, I like my cliches.

I really like my cliches.

Don't tough my cliches.



November 30, 2011

Well, it's Criminal Minds night.

Unfortunately, it's also rerun night.

The second one in the row.

Damn it, CBS, why do you screw us so??


November 29, 2011

Hello from beyond the grave!

No, not really. I'm just playing.

Wings is trying to get me to agree to watch Code Geass.

Ryuu, my ex-boyfriend, wants me to watch Gundam OO.

I wanna watch Supernatural.

I'm gonna melt my brain by Christmas.


November 28, 2011

Wings has gone insane.

She's gone Anime-crazy.

I think she just finished Code Geass.

Something tells me this won't end well.


I'll be dead before ASL.

November 27, 2011

So, I wrote one of my new poems for my Creative Writing final. This one is called "Spiders."


She walked into her room,
already wishing for bed.
She didn’t bother to change,
just collapsing on the comforter.
She cracked open her eyes
as she felt something staring at her.
She let out a scream
once she registered the eight legs, the many eyes…
She shouted her sister’s name
when she realized that it was fake.
She threw her pillow at the open door
right when Dakota came running in.
She forgot just how tired she was
looking at the annoyance on her sister’s face.


I have no life.

November 26, 2011

I've fallen back in love with the Saviors Series. Hell, I've found myself thinking like Taylor.


Is that a bad thing?

No wonder I'm using SS for my Creative Writing Final. Three short stories, four poems, and some other stuff.

I love my life.

November 25, 2011

So, I was messing around on my computer when it hit me.

"I wanna play Kingdom Hearts."

I peeked into Mom's room. She snorted and rolled over.

I grinned.

I slid into the living room, turned on the TV and booted up my PS2. Just us the game loads...

"Riley, we have things to do today. Get off your ass."

I cried.

November 24, 2011

Well, I can eat my words.

Tonight was nice.

Alba was hilarious. The parents didn't fight or try to take over Andres finally brought his girlfriend.

David wasn't a jackass.

Mom and I cooked a feast. It tasted SO good.

The only bad thing about today?

There are no leftovers! *cries*

November 23, 2011

So, I just found out that my nice, quiet, Mom-and-me Thanksgiving has just become the Harrison-Hidalgo Thanksgiving.

Christ, this is gonna suck.

November 22, 2011

Kit's home!

We did a photo shoot!

It came out horrible!

I'm screwed!

November 21, 2011

Woke up, called Kelley, passed out.

Hello vacation.

November 20, 2011

People on Tumblr, Twitter and Facebook (oh God FACEBOOK) keep on asking what happened at the club meeting.

I keep saying that it's private.

She keeps sprouting lies and bullshit.


No wonder I've been getting so much shit.

November 19, 2011

Hate filled messages are being tossed at me, only because I had the guts to open my mouth and say something.

Is it really so shocking that I said something?


Just because my self-esteem is shit doens't mean I can't latch onto that old spark of courage and stand up.

Seriously, you would've  thought I killed a puppy or something.

November 18, 2011

Alright, crisis avoided.

Now, finally here are the tweets from Criminal Minds, Season Seven, Episode Eight: "Hope".

[[93 Tweets here. I'm saving my fingers by not typing them up. XD]]

Also, one of my quotes made it onto the top ten on BubblyTV! ("Garcia, I love you more than I did five minutes ago.")

Plus, I was the top tweeter, according to @Social_Guide. This is the fourth time I've been in the top three, and the second as the top!

Now, if you excuse me, I need to start working on my final for Creative Writing.

THIS will be fun.

November 17, 2011

Normally, I'd be gushing about Criminal Minds.

About the Hotch/Reid scene at the BAU.

About the Morgan/Reid sneaking scene.

Well, today is not a normal day.

Normally, I would write down all my tweet from last night's episode. Same with the FaceBook chat with Brittani and Wings.


I just can't.

It's about eleven PM right now.

I'm on my bed, blasting some of my old favorites on my iPod.

Tonight was the Open Mic.

Things didn't go very well.

Without going into too much detail, things came to a head.

I quit.

Then, I wrote this.


The Personification of the Double-Edged Sword

A double-edged sword.
That's a good way to describe me.

On one side, I'm quite, introverted.
I don't let my emotions out.
I'm in class, near silent.
When I do talk, I'm hard to hear.
My self esteem is that – just a phrase.
Two words on a page.
Tiny, barely there, non-existent.

The other side, however, is completely different.
I'm loud, biting.
I speak my mind, let my anger take control.
I don't bother trying to filter myself.

It's the side that few know exist.

But when my sword is swung, these sides mesh together.
They clash in a battle that can't be stopped.
And things come out in a rage.

There is a reason why I don't swing my sowed.
Why I try to keep it in its scabbard, out of sight.

I just let go.

Everything that leaves my lips are truth,

And maybe they are the words that the world doesn't want to hear.
The ones that should be locked away forever.

But… who has the right to filter this world?
Who can say whether or not I have the right to swing my sword?

I am me. Riley. Elizabeth. The woman who stands before you.
And I swing my sword tonight.


I lost my temper.

Just a little.

Whatever. Tomorrow shall be the tweets, because I managed to delete the Facebook conversation with the FLBAU (i.e. Brittani and Wings).

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

November 16, 2011

It's Criminal Minds night!

A Garcia episode, too!

To be honest though, as excited as I am for my favorite show, something is overshadowing it. And yes, unfortunately that's entirely possible...

How in hell am I supposed to survive tomorrow night?

Stupid Open Mic.

Making me worry...

November 15, 2011

Have my new story for the Box! Another Saviors Series story!

It's called "In Sickness and In Health."



A knock at the door distracted Taylor from her coughing and sneezing. “Are you still alive in there?” Zane poked his head in.

Taylor looked at him with bloodshot, watery eyes. “Barely. Did you kill Aelia for getting me sick?”

Zane came into the room and sat on the bed. “Nopes. She’s still sneezing. I’m not going anywhere near her house until she’s not contagious,” he said shaking his head.

Taylor rolled her eyes. “Seriously?”

“Yeah. I don’t want her to get me sick.”

She laughed. “Fine. I just want it on record that I’m still very contagious and if I get you sick, you can’t be mad at me.” She gave him a cheeky little grin and sneezed again.

“Ah, but here’s the thing, Tay. She’s my friend. You are the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. Big difference.”

Taylor looked at him. “Really?”

“Duh. I don’t give out engraved promise rings to every girl I meet.”

Taylor shifted on the bed, making room. “I’m having fever dreams. Stay?”

Zane slid under the comforter, making sure to leave the sheet between them. “Of course I’ll stay. At least until your father kicks me out…”

Taylor gave another laugh. “Just so you know, you’re better medicine than the crap I’m taking.”

Zane smirked. “But of course! And now, go to sleep and I should be here when you wake up.”

She gave him a quick hug and curled up next to him. “’kay.”

Zane put his arm around her and held her close. His phone beeped in his pocket. Taylor peaked at the screen the moment it was out. “Dakota texted?”

“Yeah. She’s gonna kill me.”

Taylor looked up at him. “What did you do this time, Zane Adam Michaels?”

“I left her with Aelia. Right now she’s doing a very convincing impression of that chick from the Exorcist.”

Taylor rolled her eyes and curled back up. “Yeah. She’s gonna kill you, alright.”

“Thanks ever so much for the vote of confidence, Taylor.”

November 14, 2011

Home at last.

I'm sick.

God, I hate my luck.

November 13, 2011




I'm 21.

I'm 21 fucking years old.

Excuse me, I'm having a bit of a crisis here.





Basically, that's all I remember of today. Not because I got drunk. No, because I'm so fucking hyper.


November 12, 2011

Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me!

Today we are at the Magic Kingdom. Or, we were. We're in the room right now, recovering. it's been a LONG night.

As per our tradition, Mom and I started the day at Pirates of the Caribbean (hence my opening line.) From there, we practically walking onto the Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, which we got the front-ish row!

From there we headed to the Haunted Mansion, which just got an upgrade. And yes, we approved.

After that, we actually road Peter Pan. The ride broke down for a moment while we were on it, and I kinda made fun of the use of the word immediately. My exact quote was, "My definition of immediately and your definition are-" *ride moves, I hit my head* "-OW! Painful..."

Mom laughed.

I hit her.

She laughed harder.

From there we rode it's a small world and Snow White's Scary Adventures before moving onto Tomorrowland.

I rode Space Mountain by myself, which was epic as always, before meeting Mom for Buzz Lightyear, where I won. LOL.

We took a ride on the People Mover before calling a halt and heading back to the room for a while to rest.

Just for the record, Mom snores. Loudly.

When we returned to the park that night, we headed for PhilharMagic. Both of us were hoping for a reprieve from the hellish bus ride we had taken.

It just got worse.

Luckily, something made up for my annoyance. That was a trip into Cinderella's Round Table, the most expensive restaurant in any park.

It was perfect.

Me thinks it was a fitting way to end my twentieth year.

November 11, 2011

I'm sitting in the resort's food court!


Sorry, I'm just a bit excited.

We go on the road right at two, and got to the resort by four, which was our target time. The guy at the front desk gave me my Birthday badge, when I wasted no time in putting on. Once we got up to the room, we quickly settled and headed off onto our first adventure.

Downtown Disney.

And what an adventure that was!

Our bus driver either was on his first day on the job, or at least first day on the route. It took triple the length it should have, and we were tossed and turned like rag dolls.

Luckily, once we got there, things started shaping up.

We got out passes for the parks, and did some shopping for the boys for Christmas. Plus I came up with some ideas for other people - including Mom!

It'll write more later, when we get to the park!

I wonder which one it will be...


How about Disney's Hollywood Studios?

Mom and I still call it by its former name, Disney-MGM Studios. We love confusing some people. LOL

We were one of the first to ride The Great Movie Ride, and we even got up front! Never done that before.

From there, we went tot he Muppet's 3D Show, one that we always ride, without fail. I still love it.

I rode the new Star Tours, and boy, was that an adventure. Stupid whiny kid nearly ruined the ride for me. Luckily, I've gotten real good at ignoring whiny brats.

Lunch was at Pizza Planet, where I conquered two full rounds of DDR, and told off one mother who encouraged her young son to get on the machine and "help" me, only to harp when I almost instantly hit him. Sorry, lady, I'm focused on the screen. Move your kid. I like my perfect score.

After that minor fiasco, we went tot he Indiana Jones Stunt Show, which was brilliant, as always. Almost immediately after that, we headed over to watch the Beauty and the Beat show, which I complained through.

Our final show of the day nearly gave everyone a heart attack. We saw the Lights, Motors, Actions; Extreme Stunt Show, a car show with tricks and explosions. It was perfect and flawless, up until the second to last segment. The driver (the "hero") slipped grabbing a rope and crashed. Luckily, he wasn't going too fast, and was completely fine. Still, it scared the living daylights out of me.

Once that was over, we had reservations at the Prime Time Drive In, our favorite restaurant at MGM. Mom and I both love making fun of the old B-movie trailers and eating the really good food.

From there, we looked at the lights and headed back to the resort, where I am now, complaining about not having free internet.

Whatever. I need sleep. Tomorrow is a big park!

November 10, 2011

So, I'm hurrying to write down my tweets. Once I finish, we leave for Disney!

Once again, I don't have the times, but I'll explain why tomorrow.

Here we go!

[[68 Tweets here. I'm saving my fingers by not typing them up. XD]]

November 9, 2011

Today is a bittersweet day.

Yes, it is Criminal Minds day.


Nine years ago, my father died of cancer.

Nine years ago today.

Criminal Minds shall be a welcome distraction.

November 8, 2011

Working on six word stories in Creative Writing are fun.


Here are some I came up with:

  • Get up. Live. Die another day.
  • Stand and fight, don't surrender now.
  • Magic and mayhem. Slightly bad combination.
  • Alone together. Story of my life.
  • Save the world, don't miss dinner.
  • Swords are fun. Guns are deadly.
  • Sex. Door opens. Grab the sheet.
LOL worthy.

Thank you very much.

November 7, 2011

I love my friends, but they're bloody distracting.

Of  course, I could just blame a little chat site called Omegal.

Trust me, it's completely addicting.

Next week, I'll explain.

Right now, I have go to back to trolling.

November 6, 2011

My 21st birthday is on November 13th.

Mom is giving me the biggest birthday party you can give a girl.

Can you say a five day four night party at Walt Disney World?!

I'll be writing about each day as I go.

We leave on the 10th.

Can it be Thursday yet?

November 5, 2011

Cleaning, scrambling, and packing.

That's what the weekend will be filled with.


That's the washer. I'll explain tomorrow.

November 4, 2011

The Literary Guild is hilarious.

I'm not kidding. We're all insane.

Hell, I actually put the video up on YouTube.

November 3, 2011


I chatted on both Twitter and Facebook. I'll be posting both.

Twitter first.

[[93 Tweets here. I'm saving my fingers by not typing them up. XD]]


The Facebook chat didn't save.

To summarize, my friend from ASL, Brittani, and I chatted through the episode, making similar comments to the above.

Who knows what will come next week?

November 2, 2011

It's Criminal Minds Night!

And it's a new episode.

I really should be working on Nano, but i 'm being distracted by my balloon puppy, Dr. Spencer Woof.

On a side not, I have GOT to send MGG a picture of Dr. Spencer Woof. XD


I've got to get to my chats!

November 1, 2011

Halloween night... was fun?

We didn't get many kids, so more candy for me!

Plus, I got to threaten two kids with a call to the cops, which is ALWAYS fun.

Now I have to get back to NaNo.

October 31, 2011


Today I am SSA Dr. Spencer Reid!

Only a few people are dressing up today... Damn it.

But, I really don't care.

I start NaNoWriMo at midnight!

October 30, 2011

So... My idea for Nanowrimo.


It's a Criminal Minds fanfiction, based on the song "Grenade" by Bruno Mars.

It takes place here in Bradenton and Sarasota... and it's gonna be fun!

Considering it was a plot for Crystaln Prophecy, I'm not surprised that I want to start writing now.

Can it be November first yet?

October 29, 2011

Next time I decide to finish an entry, I really should actually make sure I have already written down the POINT of the entry.

But alas, I forgot. Luckily, I still remember what I wanted to write about.

NaNoWriMo 2011.

What is Nanowrimo?

A bit of a competition. Write 50,000 words in the month of November.

It's a daunting task, one that has the potential to eat up your soul.

And of course, the Writing Club is willing to have their souls eaten by it.

I'm going to die.


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

October 28, 2011

Holy Hell.

I’m a fucking masochist.

Or, should I say that the Writing Club is full of sadists.

Either way I’m going to hell.

I give up.

October 27, 2011

We did the dialogue today, in class.

Guess who didn’t show up?


That was humiliating.


Humilating doesn’t BEGIN to cover it.

Hell, she had the audacity to come in an half hour later, all happy and whatnot.

I nearly killed her.

I should have killed.

FUCK. I hate it when I’m right.

October 26, 2011

It’s Criminal Minds night!


It’s a rerun.

So, no tweets for tomorrow.

I luckily haven’t seen this episode.

At least tomorrow I have something to watch.

October 25, 2011

So, I have to work with Grace on an assignment in Creative Writing.

Now, I like Grace, I really do.

She’s just not dependable. She’s always coming to class late… if she shows up at all.

I’m sorry, but I don’t like the fact that one of my grades basically depends on her showing up on time on Tuesday.

Anyway, we had to create a dialogue between two people.

We got “Conservative Christian Girl and Hard-Lived Hippie Girl.”

Can you say stereotypes much?


And the best part is…

I’m the Christian Girl.

I am so beyond going to hell.

Hell, I’m just hoping Twilight doesn’t find out.

She’ll KILL me.

Not that my mom won’t…

Thursday, August 2, 2012

October 24, 2011

So, I'm no longer a bridesmaid.

Twilight moved her wedding up for reasons that do not include pregnancy.

Damn it, and I was finally going to agree to wearing that bloody dress.

October 23, 2011

I swear to God I have the worst case of writer's block int he history of EVER.

No, really. I hot the first two prompts done for the FandomMEME #1, and now I'm stuck.

Plus I have no idea what to do...


October 22, 2011

I'm feeling a bit better today, but I'm still out of it.

The Writing Club was fun on Thursday.

I'll admit, I didn't have much hope when I went in. Well, that and I was only getting sicker. Katiana and I went together.

It was a lot of fun!

We're going to do a variation of the A-Z Fandom Meme..

Oh God.

Here are my prompts:

A - Anarchy
B - Bubbles
C - Cadillac
D - Diabolical
E - Evil
F - Freak
G - Goggles
H - Hiss
I - Ice Cream
J - Justice
K - Kismet
L - Libertarian
M - Mirror
N - Nosferatu
O - Orange
P - Puppy
Q - Quiver
R - Raining
S - Sudafed
T - Tongue
U - Underground
V - Vapid
W - Water-Boarding
Y - Yeti
Z - Zero

I've got a few ideas for them . Hopefully, I'll get some done by next Thursday.

I'm crossing my fingers.


Here we go again...

October 21, 2011

I'm the sick one now. I am going to murder Mouse.

I'll write tomorrow. I'm kinda dead right now.

October 20, 2011

So… I tweeted so much that I hit the daily limit. LOL

Here’s my (and Kelly <@jalicerian8008>) tweets from Criminal Minds last night!

#1 fan, two weeks running!

[[131 Tweets here. I'm saving my fingers by not typing them up. XD]]

And right there, with two minutes left, I hit the limit. Basically, Rossi’s first ex-wife, Caroline, has ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease). She asked Rossi to… well… help her die.

Um… This won’t end well…

Unfortunately, there is a rerun on next week.

God knows how much tweeting I’ll be doing.

Tweet count: 131!!

That’s 100 more than last week.
