Thursday, July 26, 2012

October 18, 2011

I really should work on that A-Z MultiFandom Drabble Challenge.


Prompt One: L - Love. ~Harry Potter (HPDM onesided, HGDM onesided, RWDM onesided)


If she didn't know any better, she would think that her best friend was in love.

But that was impossible. He wasn't dating anyone, and he didn't have his eye on anyone either.

Bit it was the only explination! The only thing that made sense!

Why else could he not take his eyes off of Malfoy?
Now, she had to admit that yes, Malfoy was pretty good looking, for a stuck up jackass, anyway. And he did have this presence that seemed to draw everyone in when he spoke or even moved - 

Stop it, Hermione. You do not have a crush on Draco Malfoy.

Nope! That was Ron's job!


107 words! That makes it a true drabble!

Kelly helped me come up with the surprise pairing at the end!

I am so glad that I'm done with this one. Now I can have a little fun!

Next up is Criminal Minds!

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