Thursday, July 5, 2012

October 15, 2011

Today was a day I can't even begin to summarize. Perhaps if I start at the beginning, I can make sense out of it.

Mom and I spent the day in St. Pete, with my Great Ant Betty and Great Uncle Euie. Both are in their seventies, and are my grandparents in every way but name.

They took us to "dinner" at the Pub. Pretty good restaurant, right on the water.

The drive there... however...

For the first time in nine years, I actually prayed.

My uncle spent many many years driving in New York. In his retirement, he moved to Florida with my aunt and kept up the same driving. Well, worse driving.

Such as... stopping in the middle of an intersection. With traffic coming.

I am never driving with him again.

He nearly got us killed.


Later on, my cousins (Aunt Betty and Uncle Euie's grandchildren) came over to spend the night.

Luke is nine. He is exactly like me, it's scary. I actually use him as my muse for my major story, Crystaln Prophecy.

Jack, the middle child, is seven-going-on-sixty. He's a quiet child who would rather read than roughhouse.

Jake is only five. He has no boundaries, no manners, no respect. He runs around and acts like a hellion... on a good day.

Luke is always getting yelled at and in trouble. Problem is, he's usually the victim. Or, as the case usually is, he's not even in the room!

Case in point: Jake hit his head while crawling underneath the table. At that moment, Luke, Jack, and I were watching Bakugan in the guest room. Luke gets yelled at for pushing Jake. I actually had to point out that he didn't have magic or the Force.

They don't listen.


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