Thursday, July 26, 2012

October 19, 2011

It's Criminal Minds day! Yay!

I absolutely can not wait to see Rossi's ex wife!

So.. I think today I'll do the second drabble in the challenge.



I has idea!

Prompt two: H - Hatred ~Criminal Minds


Aaron Hotchner felt hatred.

He hated George Foyet for killing Haley. For leaving Jack without a mother.

He hated Victor Perrotta for making him hit at his past, long ago locked away.

He hated Jason Gideon for helping shatter the team's trust, not once, but twice. For making him have to pick up the pieces.

He hated Tobias Hankel for kidnapping Reid. For torturing him. For the drugs.

He hated Kate Joyner for making him question his relationship with Reid.

He hated the Department of Defense for taking JJ from them. For destroying their family

He hated Ian Doyle for taking Emily. For making him have to hide her. For making him have to lie to his lover.

Most of all, though, he hated himself.


Spencer Reid understood hated. He only felt it a few time, though.

He hated his father for abandoning him and his mother. For making him have to completely grow up at ten years old.

He hated Phillip Dowd for taking that emergency room hostage. For making Hotch hurt him. For making him spill blood.

He rated Randell Gardner for making him reveal the truth about his mother.

H hated Charles Hankle for kidnapping him. For torturing him.

He hated Raphael for the nightmares. For wincing at the sound of a click.

He hated Kate Joyner for sleeping with Hotch. For tempting him to do it again.

He hated the DoD for taking JJ. For destroying their family. His family.

He hated Doyle for Emily.

He hated Hotch and JJ for lying about Emily. For making him question everything.

Most of all, though, he hated himself.


I'm gonna edit and write the rest of this on my computer. I've got a feeling it's gonna get a bit... hotter.


I've gotta go.

Criminal Minds starts soon!

October 18, 2011

I really should work on that A-Z MultiFandom Drabble Challenge.


Prompt One: L - Love. ~Harry Potter (HPDM onesided, HGDM onesided, RWDM onesided)


If she didn't know any better, she would think that her best friend was in love.

But that was impossible. He wasn't dating anyone, and he didn't have his eye on anyone either.

Bit it was the only explination! The only thing that made sense!

Why else could he not take his eyes off of Malfoy?
Now, she had to admit that yes, Malfoy was pretty good looking, for a stuck up jackass, anyway. And he did have this presence that seemed to draw everyone in when he spoke or even moved - 

Stop it, Hermione. You do not have a crush on Draco Malfoy.

Nope! That was Ron's job!


107 words! That makes it a true drabble!

Kelly helped me come up with the surprise pairing at the end!

I am so glad that I'm done with this one. Now I can have a little fun!

Next up is Criminal Minds!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

October 17, 2011

Got my story for Box 3 done. It's a scene right out of Saviors Series. It's a humor story called "Gun for Hire?" Here we go...


"Dakota Marie McKenzie! What is this?"

Sixteen year old Dakota McKenzie jumped off her bed at the sound of her sister's just slightly annoyed voice. "Huh?"

Her bedroom door was kicked open. Eighteen year old Taylor McKenzie stormed in, waving around a piece of paper, looking quite murderous. Behind her, Taylor's boyfriend Zane Michaels and Dakota's best friend Aelia Turner trailed. One looked exhausted and the other sheepish.

"This!" The paper was shoved in her face. Dakota pulled back, only to see something that she was praying Taylor would never find.

"Um… I was kidding?"

"Bull, 'Kota! I asked around. You've been doing this for a while, haven't you?" Taylor was beyond murderous.

"It was a joke! I just wanted to meet new people and level up!"

Taylor twitched. "You are a Traveler! You don't need to go posting things like this to meet people!"

Dakota shrugged. "I wasn't the only one, though. Check out the message boards. There's a million of these."

Her sister rolled her eyes. "Duh. I already screamed at them." She turned and leveled a glare at Zane and Aelia. "Couldn't you have chosen a different phrase at least? This makes you seem like a nineteenth century cowboy!"

"Exactly my point! Hey, if you want, we could put one up for you!" Dakota said, using the words as a distraction to spring out of the room.

Taylor blinked, groaned, and shouted, "Dakota, I'm going to kill you!" She took off after her sister. The paper fluttered to the ground.

Zane and Aelia shared a look. "Well, at least she didn't kill us," Aelia said, picking up the paper and smoothing out all the wrinkles.

Zane laughed. "What do you expect? We're not flesh and blood. Dakota on the other hand…"

Aelia set the paper neatly on top of Dakota's closed laptop, face up, and followed Zane out of the room to try to keep the McKenzie sisters from killing each other.

Aelia giggled. "I told her putting Gun-for-Hire would get her yelled at…"

She shut the door.


I do believe that I'm gonna kill my mother for that prompt.

October 16, 2011

Mom's sick. She's whining on the couch.

I'm studying at the table.

Every ten minutes I have to get up.

I'm very annoyed.

October 15, 2011

Today was a day I can't even begin to summarize. Perhaps if I start at the beginning, I can make sense out of it.

Mom and I spent the day in St. Pete, with my Great Ant Betty and Great Uncle Euie. Both are in their seventies, and are my grandparents in every way but name.

They took us to "dinner" at the Pub. Pretty good restaurant, right on the water.

The drive there... however...

For the first time in nine years, I actually prayed.

My uncle spent many many years driving in New York. In his retirement, he moved to Florida with my aunt and kept up the same driving. Well, worse driving.

Such as... stopping in the middle of an intersection. With traffic coming.

I am never driving with him again.

He nearly got us killed.


Later on, my cousins (Aunt Betty and Uncle Euie's grandchildren) came over to spend the night.

Luke is nine. He is exactly like me, it's scary. I actually use him as my muse for my major story, Crystaln Prophecy.

Jack, the middle child, is seven-going-on-sixty. He's a quiet child who would rather read than roughhouse.

Jake is only five. He has no boundaries, no manners, no respect. He runs around and acts like a hellion... on a good day.

Luke is always getting yelled at and in trouble. Problem is, he's usually the victim. Or, as the case usually is, he's not even in the room!

Case in point: Jake hit his head while crawling underneath the table. At that moment, Luke, Jack, and I were watching Bakugan in the guest room. Luke gets yelled at for pushing Jake. I actually had to point out that he didn't have magic or the Force.

They don't listen.


October 14, 2011

Damn it, Wings! Stop being ahead of me!

Wings has already written two of her stories. one, "Henious," has already been published. The other, with the prompt "scarification," is finished. I think she's posting it tonight.

I've only just begun to figure out MY first story, a Harry Potter story with the prompt "love." The problem is, there are entirely too many pairings in the Harry Potter fandom.

Me thinks I should ask Kelly for a pairing...

October 13, 2011

Criminal Minds was on last night! Episode 4: "Painless"

Here's my 30+ tweets!

[[32 Tweets here. I'm saving my fingers by not typing them up. XD]]

Oh, and @SakuraValentin3 is Wings. We were chatting on the forum... and tweeting each other...


I think it would be a good idea to get ahead on this wonderful Drabble thing, but I have a few minutes, so I might as well explain it first.

The Great A-Z Multifandom Drabble Meme!

Let's break this down.


A-Z: 26 prompts, one for each letter of the alphabet.

Multifandon: More than one fandom. Ex: Criminal Minds, Harry Potter, Digimon.

Drabble: A fanfic term. At least 100 words. (We all can't keep it at 100...)

Meme: A fan word for challenge.


The reason why my words are so insane? The author doesn't choose the prompts. Their friends do.

My friends are psychotic sadists on melicious streaks. believe me, though, I want them to do stories with the prompts "Crystalization" and "Scarification."


I'm just as bad as my friends.



October 12, 2011


My friends are jerks. I'll explain on Thursday.

On the next page* are my prompts.



A. Ambitious - Aaron Stone
B.  Butt Naked - Aaron Stone
C. Contortionist - Criminal Minds
D. Dyslexia - Criminal Minds
E. Ego- Kingdom Hearts
F. Frightening - Spirited Away
G. Genocide - Code Lyoko
H. Hatred - Criminal Minds
I. Irresistible - Infinite Ryvius
J. Justice - Criminal Minds
K. Kismet - SRMT
L. Love - Harry Potter
M. Masochism  - Yu-Gi-Oh
N. Nexus - Fullmetal Alchemist
O. Oneirology - Kingdom Hearts
P. Psychedelic - Kingdom Hearts
Q. Quackle -Digimon Frontier
R. Rum - POTC
S. Seduction- Code Lyoko
T. Temptation- Gundam Seed Destiny
U. Utopia - Gundam Seed
V. Vulnerose -Digimon Adventure
W. Wherret - Harry Potter
X. Xenobiotic- Criminal Minds
Y. Young - Criminal Minds
Z. Zebra - Gundam Seed

I'm gonna kill Wings and Katiana when this is all over.

*In my original journal, the list started on the next page.

October 11, 2011

Just got back from the most amazing concert.

The final group, the orchestra, was perfect.

Go Wings!