Tuesday, October 25, 2011

September 3, 2011

After the last depressing entry, it's time to lighten things up.

I'm in my room, surrounded by everything that I am.

Anime posters completely cover my walls.

My bookcase is overflowing with manga - which really needs to be organized.

My closet doors are open, one side has hanging clothes. The other? All my novels and text books stacked, as well as storage containers.

I'm curled up on my bed, dressed in my classic outfit: black jeans, tank top, black vest, and goggles.

My room's trashed, but it's mine.

My computer's on my desk, with iTunes on shuffle.

Right now, Demi Lovato's "Skyscraper" is playing.

Everything quiet and calm.

It's also 3AM.



I'm at school now.

I've been spinning my rings.

I wear four of them.

Each one tells a story, just like all of my jewelry.

One is gold, on my right pinky. Dad got it in Israel, a long time before I was born.

A silver ring with clear and pink gems on my right ring finger. Mom bought it for me to remind me to always do the right thing.

A silver ring with slight black inlay, with vines carved in. Inside is inscribed with "Imagine, believe, receive." Mom bought it for me when I was really depressed. This one is on my left ring finger.

A silver ring with shell inlay on my left index finger. It represented family, how we are all different, but we're always together. All of my cousins have one, as well as my sisters and brother.

The rings represent who I am. I only take them off at night.

And as I glance away from my rings, I can see my necklace.

It's an ankh.

It means "life".

My dad gave it to me.

In his will.

A few weeks before he died, he slipped out and bought me it for my birthday.

He died November 9, 2002. I turned twelve November 13, 2002.

Maybe one day I'll talk about what happened to him.

Right now, I can't.

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