Sunday, October 23, 2011

September 2, 2011

Why the hell is religion so bloody important?

A kid in the student union, who unfortunately is trying to join the group, went on this giant rant about Adam Sandler being Jewish.

Who cares?

His religion in no way affects my opinion of him. Of course, I can't stand him, but that's just my opinion.

If I only watched shows that had actors who had the same religious beliefs as my family... well ... I wouldn't have anything to watch.

What ever happened to religious freedom?

I think we should have respect for people's privicy, including their religious affilication!

Is that really too much to ask?


That stupid kid doesn't understand anything. Anyone who has a different opinion gets bitched at.

I'm sorry, but we're different.

He thinks that children shouldn't be exposed to homosexuality until they are at least teenagers.

So... I'm not allowed to go near my cousins until they're teenagers? Really? How is that fair?

Or, my friend Ayden, who practically raised her sister. Can she not be around her?

I respect other people's opinions.

I really do.

At least, until when their opinion stands to completely obstruct who I am.

I'm bisexual.

I'm not asking for much.
Well, except for tolarence.

And, maybe one day, acceptance.

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