Tuesday, October 25, 2011

September 6, 2011

I'm being distracted again. More friends have arrived.

Anthony, aka Canada, is with Fedora, as well as MMO players, anyway.

The Twins, Celena and Celeste, are artists and anime fans.

Mouse, also known as Miss-Who-Squeaks-a-lot, is on her computer, watching another random show.

Fedora, who wishes to be called His Excellency the Bad Ass (yeah... screw that), is in class, probably driving one of his teachers up a wall.

Wings is back into her math books, slowly desending into a numbered madness. I really feel bad for her. Right now she's balancing her notebook on her head.

I think I'm gonna help her...

September 5, 2011

You would think, with me editing that poem, you would think I would edit the tenses so that they're right?!?!

I'm going to sit in a corner and be depressed now...

September 4, 2011

I've been working on a Super Robot Monkey Ream poem.

It's pretty good, but it needs a good bit of editing.

Here, let me do that, and I'll post it here.

Hang on.




It's called "A Savior's History",


The six shall meet,
A surprising feat,
And they quickly learned about one another.

The new teammates train,
And practice their aim,
To care and help their brothers.

The leader fights his foes,
And his strength continues to grow,
As he learns to protect his people.

The team’s victories grow in numbers,
Always dodging their enemy’s gunners,
Making everyday never dull.

As their final battle loomed,
The hearts of the citizens filled with doom,
For they feared for their heroes’ lives.

They need not have made their worry,
Because in an act of blind fury,
Their enemy could not have survived.

The war had ended,
And with their wounds mended,
The team left in peace.

With a promise to return,
And with a swear to learn,
The violence of the universe soon ceased.

And it’s all thanks to the Hyperforce.

September 3, 2011

After the last depressing entry, it's time to lighten things up.

I'm in my room, surrounded by everything that I am.

Anime posters completely cover my walls.

My bookcase is overflowing with manga - which really needs to be organized.

My closet doors are open, one side has hanging clothes. The other? All my novels and text books stacked, as well as storage containers.

I'm curled up on my bed, dressed in my classic outfit: black jeans, tank top, black vest, and goggles.

My room's trashed, but it's mine.

My computer's on my desk, with iTunes on shuffle.

Right now, Demi Lovato's "Skyscraper" is playing.

Everything quiet and calm.

It's also 3AM.



I'm at school now.

I've been spinning my rings.

I wear four of them.

Each one tells a story, just like all of my jewelry.

One is gold, on my right pinky. Dad got it in Israel, a long time before I was born.

A silver ring with clear and pink gems on my right ring finger. Mom bought it for me to remind me to always do the right thing.

A silver ring with slight black inlay, with vines carved in. Inside is inscribed with "Imagine, believe, receive." Mom bought it for me when I was really depressed. This one is on my left ring finger.

A silver ring with shell inlay on my left index finger. It represented family, how we are all different, but we're always together. All of my cousins have one, as well as my sisters and brother.

The rings represent who I am. I only take them off at night.

And as I glance away from my rings, I can see my necklace.

It's an ankh.

It means "life".

My dad gave it to me.

In his will.

A few weeks before he died, he slipped out and bought me it for my birthday.

He died November 9, 2002. I turned twelve November 13, 2002.

Maybe one day I'll talk about what happened to him.

Right now, I can't.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

September 2, 2011

Why the hell is religion so bloody important?

A kid in the student union, who unfortunately is trying to join the group, went on this giant rant about Adam Sandler being Jewish.

Who cares?

His religion in no way affects my opinion of him. Of course, I can't stand him, but that's just my opinion.

If I only watched shows that had actors who had the same religious beliefs as my family... well ... I wouldn't have anything to watch.

What ever happened to religious freedom?

I think we should have respect for people's privicy, including their religious affilication!

Is that really too much to ask?


That stupid kid doesn't understand anything. Anyone who has a different opinion gets bitched at.

I'm sorry, but we're different.

He thinks that children shouldn't be exposed to homosexuality until they are at least teenagers.

So... I'm not allowed to go near my cousins until they're teenagers? Really? How is that fair?

Or, my friend Ayden, who practically raised her sister. Can she not be around her?

I respect other people's opinions.

I really do.

At least, until when their opinion stands to completely obstruct who I am.

I'm bisexual.

I'm not asking for much.
Well, except for tolarence.

And, maybe one day, acceptance.

September 1, 2011

I've read through that last story.

I wrote it laste at night, half asleep

To be truthful, I have no idea what was supposed to be going on.

Oh, what the hell. I'll post it anyways.

"We Miss You Chiro." A Super Robot Monkey Team story.

Meh. I really don't like it.

August 31, 2011

We miss you, Chiro.

We miss you icy blue eyes.

We miss you laughter, filling the Super Robot.

We miss your leadership, leading us into battle, taking charge.

But most of all, I miss your love. The love that you showed me everyday.

I know that your dreams are happy, pain free and joyful. I understand that. But I need you Chiro. I need the boy I've fallen in love with. The boy that made me feel human.

The team is so depressed without you, too! You're the reason that they push themselves so hard!

I miss you.

Love, Jinmay.

August 30, 2011

It's official, I'm not sane.

We've been watching a slew of random videos on YouTube.

One was the Final Fantasy Victory Theme, with fanmade lyrics.

Excuse me while I headdesk.

The other is a crazy Dragonite video.

I think running my head into the wall would be good right now.

August 29, 2011

Now we're on card games on motercycles.

The hell?!

How the fuck am I still sane?!

August 28, 2011

...Fedora's being insane.

He want's me to write about beer.

I'm not even legal.


August 27, 2011

It's been

Well, today

It's been very

Oh for the love of God.

I'm being distracted by a TV show.

That show is called Criminal Minds.

More importantly, I can't take my eyes off Supervisory Special Agent Doctor Spencer Reid.

It's official. He's hot.

Well, so is SSAIC Aaron "Hotch" Hotchner, SSA Derek Morgan, and on odd days, SSA David Rossi.

Not that SSA Emily Prentiss, Media Liaison SSA Jennifer "JJ" Jareau, and Technical Analyst Penelope Garcia aren't brilliant.

I only got into CM in January. I've seen the light (damnit Fedora!) every episode, read every book, and have become immersed in the community.

To be truthful, I don't think obsessed would be the right word right about now.

Of course, I don't know what woud to use...

Oh, and Fedora want this known.

White Collar is better.

Me? No way in hell.

August 26, 2011

I just looked, and I don't think I named the last story. Or anything really.

I'm calling it "I Quit."

It's a Super Robot Monkey Team fanfiction. I'm sick of only seeing one pairing in the fandom.

Call it a protest.

I call it genius!

My fanfiction friend, Wings, thinks it's insane.

Well it is.

It's exactly one hundred words.

I think I win.

August 25, 2011

“I quit.”

Silence filled the main room. Five pairs of eyes focused upon her.

“I’m done.”

Slowly, one stood, metal arm reaching towards her.

“I can’t take this anymore.”

He shook his head, trying to keep himself steady.

“Sorry everyone. There’s just too much pressure.”

He took a step forward. She turned her back on him.

“I just feel like a trophy for you.”

She whispered to him, tears hitting the ground.

“I won’t let this affect the team.”

He touched her hand.

“I’ll protect the world on my own.”

She walked to the door.

“Good luck.”

The door slammed.

August 24, 2011

My friends are distracting. Very distracting.

I love 'um.

Next to me is a fellow fanfiction writer who is having just a slight hard time with college algerbra. I really should help her, but I think I'm worse.

She shares a wavelength with me, in both anime and other interests. We've been known to have slightly insane discussions on the most insane things.

Across from me is the individual known only as Fedora. He's a video game player (Champions Online and City of Heroes being on the now-playing list) as well as a pretty brilliant artist. He's working on a comic book of his own right now.

... and he's requested that Morgan Freemon read his introduction.

The rest of our friends fit in in such different ways. It would take forever to discuss them all.

... Damn Fedora is really distracting right now. I think I need to hit him.

Excuse me...

August 23, 2011

I'm a writer.

That's about the best way to start this.

My name's Riley Masters. Well, that's at least what I'm called online. In the real world (which is highly overrated, by the way), I'm Elizabeth Harrison)/

I write fanfiction.

I write a LOT of fanfiction.

I'm just slightly addicted to fanfiction.

Excuse me, I'm being distracted by fanfiction.

(Ten minutes later)

No! You can't end the chapter like that!


I really should focus, but i can't help it.

It's just too much fun.