Wednesday, December 28, 2011

September 8, 2011

Derek's okay, and they have a new golden retriever named Shakesphere! Yay!

Alright, I'm out of the Tumblr-realm now.

I can't help it, it's fun!

I was playing a random game earlier, and I wrote a story for it. The game, and the story, are called "Run".



Forever running.

The strange, white little creature was compelled to run, and yun he did.

Running and jumping in an endless maze.

Dodging the holes that slowly filled the maze, he ran on.

Running in a maze of different colors, turning on end again and again.

Through every hole he could see the empty blackness that was space, stars brightly twinkling eons away.

As he slipped and fell, down through the cracks, he would appear at the beginning, ready to run again.

And slowly he climbs higher, running faster and jumping further, trying to find his way home.
And yet he still runs.

He still runs on forever.


 Me thinks the little guy is getting a good view of space.

I can't get past level 30...

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