Wednesday, December 28, 2011

September 19, 2011

I forgot how much of a jackass my ex-boyfriend can be.

We usually are on good terms, which is why I'm so pissed off.


I'm getting ahead of myself.

I've been discussing with Kit (my sister), Twilight, and Wings about having a birthday party either before or after I go to Disney. Even though I'll be 21, we all want it to be a non-alcoholic pot-luck.

According to Ryuu, however, that's not how the party will go.

Oh no.

Supposively, I'll be locking all the underage kids (Kit, Twilight, Aika, and Andy) as well as anyone who is anti-alcohol (except for me of course) inside a small room while everyone else has an alcohol-indused orgy.


And of course, me being the birthday girl, I will not only get wasted, but also loose all of my virginity in one fail sweep.


Ah. NO.

As if I'm gonna even bother contemplating this beyond brilliant plan.

Mom nearly blew the roof off.

Ryuu is DEAD.

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