Wednesday, December 28, 2011

September 23, 2011

Alright, I'm calm now. Well, calmer, anyway.

I've seen the first episode now ten times, and I've enjoyed it more and more.

And Reid, with his brilliant comeback of "This is calm and it's Doctor" still makes me cheer.


That's it, no more Criminal Minds talk in here for today.

I've been plotting for my Box 2 submission, as well as Boxes 3-5, the midterm, and the final.

I kinda like this world I've created, so all the stories will intercept. Hell, they may even have an order.

I do have to check the syllabus for a couple of things, and ask Dr. Cole (my teacher) a few questions as well.

Oh, and one more quick thing!

One of my friends has to do a photography project. A photo set, with five people.

I have five people in my story! Rina, Drake, Nyssa, Aiden, and Sera.


Guess who's getting photos for her story!!! ^___^

September 22, 2011

I haven't stopped squealing since last night.

Can you say most-epic-premier-every?!

Seriously, Reid is the new team badass.

Mom and I are gonna watch it again tonight, just so that we can get all the little details out.

Watching Reid stand up to the Congressmen was hot.

Scruffy-Hotch was hotter!

And Emily and JJ are back!!!

Excuse me, I'm officially dying of happiness now.

September 21, 2011

I love my life.

Is it nine PM yet?

I can't help it. Criminal Minds is premiering tonight!!!

I've been waiting since May!

I've read so much fanfiction.

I've seen every episode.

I've watched every cast video.

Again, can it be 9PM yet?!

September 20, 2011

Writing fanfiction is fun.

Writing fanfiction for a birthday present is brilliant.

Writing for my sister's birthday is insane.

I am SO screwed.

I hate my life.

September 19, 2011

I forgot how much of a jackass my ex-boyfriend can be.

We usually are on good terms, which is why I'm so pissed off.


I'm getting ahead of myself.

I've been discussing with Kit (my sister), Twilight, and Wings about having a birthday party either before or after I go to Disney. Even though I'll be 21, we all want it to be a non-alcoholic pot-luck.

According to Ryuu, however, that's not how the party will go.

Oh no.

Supposively, I'll be locking all the underage kids (Kit, Twilight, Aika, and Andy) as well as anyone who is anti-alcohol (except for me of course) inside a small room while everyone else has an alcohol-indused orgy.


And of course, me being the birthday girl, I will not only get wasted, but also loose all of my virginity in one fail sweep.


Ah. NO.

As if I'm gonna even bother contemplating this beyond brilliant plan.

Mom nearly blew the roof off.

Ryuu is DEAD.

September 18, 2011

Mom finally asked me what I wanted to do for my brithday.

We made plans.

I'm spending my twenty-first birthday at Walt Disney World!

We're staying at the Pop Century Resort, which is the best value resort.

Mom got reservations at the Sci-Fi cafe in MGM - I mean Hollywood Studios, as well as Tennpinedo, my absolute favorite Japanese restaurant in EPCOTl

Than, on a whim, she asked about one more place.

We're gonna watch the fireworks at Magic Kingdom inside Cinderella's Round Table, the hardest restaurant to get reservations for.

I'm lucky to have stopped screaming now.

Can it be November yet?

September 17, 2011

I've been working on my story for Box 2 all day. I refuse to be caught off guard.

Ofcourse, I already have, done an obscene amont of research.

Working on both this series and Crystaln Prophecy at the same time is driving me just a "bit" incane.

Oh well.

C'est la Vie.

September 16, 2011

I was messing around in the harry Potter world last night, while talking) and role-playing with two of my friends. Aelia is at University of Colorado (you'll hear more about her another time.) Colleen is the roleplayer. She RPs Astoria Greengrass, a character that is only mentioned, like, once in the entire series.

It's not the best thing, but...

It's called "It Wasn't a Mistake."


“So let me get this straight.” Hermione Granger looked across their table in the library to fix her gaze upon Harry Potter. The Boy-Who-Lived had his head down, trying to hide from her.

“Here we go…”

“You left Occlumency with Professor Snape early and forgot your Invisibility Cloak.”

“Mistake number one.”

“You ran into Malfoy, of all people.”

“Mistake number two.”

“The two of you dueled.”

“Mistake number three.”

“You tripped and the both of you fell into a broom closet.”

“Mistake number four.”

“You did not exit for several hours. You left together. You both looked rumpled. You have a bite on your neck.”

Harry’s hand covered the offending skin. “That wasn’t a mistake, Hermione. It felt too good to have been a mistake.”

“You say that now Harry…”


“You hexed each other, fell into a broom closet, and were found by Professor Snape?!”

“Yeah. That about sums it up…”


“It wasn’t a mistake.”

“Then what was it?”

“It was…”

“Love, Potter. Use that word.”



“So let me get this straight.”

“Dear Merlin, not again.”

“You actually came out to the school.”

“You were right there, Hermione.”

“You actually got away from all the hexes.”

“I did. Draco’s getting cleaned up.”

“Is it still not a mistake?”

“Nope. It wasn’t. Never will be. I thought you knew that by now, Hermione.”

“Your funeral, Harry.”

September 15, 2011

I finished another little story while working on Crystaln Prophecy. It's another crossover, but it's a surprise crossover. I'm thinking that I'll hold a contest for it, anyway.

The story is called "I Remember."


I remember the screeching tires, the shattered glass, the frightened screams.

I remember the blood coating my hands as I held my leg, the skin split and the pain numbing.

I remember being carried, the voices telling me that everything would soon be alright.

I remember the social services lady telling me that they were gone, that my only option was an orphanage.

I remember when she told me that they had left me with nothing.

I remember being relieved, not really caring.

I remember the adoption, a man and a woman, both kind and loving.

I remember the shopping, buying new clothing for the first time, and color contacts for my eyes.

I remember the house, quaint, in a good neighborhood with kids my own age that I could play with.

I remember the fire, taking my family of six years away from me again.

I remember my mother's screams, shouting out a name of someone I never knew.

I remember my father pushing me out the window, saving me at the last second.

I remember running away towards the outskirts in fear.

I remember finding the towering robot, covered in rust and weeds.

I remember the switch inside, giving me the chance at a new destiny.

I remember taking it.

I remember two years later when we traveled to that strange planet.

I remember trying to blend in, so I took off my contacts.

I remember the reactions I got from different people, some shaking my hand, others glaring.

I remember the shock on that one man's face, as if I wasn't standing in front of him.

I remember him calling me that strange name from so long ago.

I remember him telling me my long forgotten destiny.

I remember my new school, the awe I got because of my head.

I remember making new, caring friends.

I remember the adventures we went on, uncovering the truth of the world.

I remember seeing so many of my friends get hurt or killed because of me.

I remember that one man taking me in, tutoring me and helping me.

I remember the small smile on his face when I completed my first potion and cast my first spell and my first trip on a broomstick.

I remember him looming over me in class, keeping appearances as usual.

I remember him healing me every time I got hurt.

I remember the day he adopted me, made me his son, his only family.

I remember the day my two worlds collided.

I remember fighting both my evil archenemies at the same time.

I remember winning.

I remember waking days later, covered in injuries and barely able to move.

I remember my father, eye patch covering a lost eye, raven hair messy from worry and strain.

I remember him helping me heal all over again.

I remember the funerals.

I remember the tears.

I remember the pain.

I remember a lot.

I remember living.

I remember dying.

I remember the happiness.

I remember the loss.

I remember my friends.

I remember my family.

I remember that one man, who became my father.

I remember my destinies, completed at last.

I remember my promises.

I remember my names.


That... was a lot longer than what I expected. And my hand really hurts.


Well, I guess I'll write more tomorrow...

*glances at stack of Crystaln Prophecy notes*

Well, handwriting... anyway.

September 14, 2011

I'm discovering just how hard it is to take a hundred chapter story and cut it down to twenty pages.

Me thinks Crystaln Prophecy doesn't wanna be written...

But I shall prevail! RWAR!

I'm gonna go and do this thing!

September 13, 2011

Wings put her nickname on FaceBook!!!

My ex-boyfriend is distracting!

Everyone's insane!!


Just another day in paradise.

September 12, 2011

It's official.

My friends don't want me to write in this journal.

Well, most of them.

Both Wings and I use our time in the Student Union to work and study.

It's official.

I'm just gonna put my head through the wall.

And if Mouse squeaks one more time...


I'm really gonna get Wings to hit her for me...

September 11, 2011

Mom and I are watching documentaries all day. I'll write something tomorrow.

September 10, 2011

I've been working on my most popular fanfiction.

It's a series "spanning" crossover-epic.

It's called Crystaln Prophecy.

I've combined Harry Potter, Digimon, Pokemon, FullMetal Alchemist, Card Captor Sakura, Mobile Suit Gundam SEED, Rockman.EXE, Archie Comics' Sonic the Hedgehog. Sonic X, Super Robot Monkey Team, Kingdom Hearts, Yu-Gi-Oh!, and Criminal Minds.

I've been writing this story since the late 90's.

Well, drafts of it, anyway.

One character, Adrian Zala, has gone through four different love interests. Oops.

It's been outlined for at least 100 chapters, including a spinoff/side story.


I REALLY need to finish this story.

September 9, 2011

Sorry, distracted by the Criminal Minds Season 7 trailer on repeat. I'll write something tomorrow.

September 8, 2011

Derek's okay, and they have a new golden retriever named Shakesphere! Yay!

Alright, I'm out of the Tumblr-realm now.

I can't help it, it's fun!

I was playing a random game earlier, and I wrote a story for it. The game, and the story, are called "Run".



Forever running.

The strange, white little creature was compelled to run, and yun he did.

Running and jumping in an endless maze.

Dodging the holes that slowly filled the maze, he ran on.

Running in a maze of different colors, turning on end again and again.

Through every hole he could see the empty blackness that was space, stars brightly twinkling eons away.

As he slipped and fell, down through the cracks, he would appear at the beginning, ready to run again.

And slowly he climbs higher, running faster and jumping further, trying to find his way home.
And yet he still runs.

He still runs on forever.


 Me thinks the little guy is getting a good view of space.

I can't get past level 30...

September 7, 2011

My new favorite thing is watching a group of Criminal Minds Tumblr roleplayers.

Each one has become a character from Criminal Minds, and are acting like them.

The plots are hilarious and exciting. Wings and I have been on the edges of our seats refreshing all day, praying that Derek will get free from the UnSub and back into Spencer's arms.

These kids are really talented, and the plots are rewarding.

Now please excuse me, I have to go back to refreshing now.
