Wednesday, January 4, 2012

October 2, 2011

Note to self; Never assume that a local convention will be worth it. Because it never will.

We were there for about a half an hour before bailing.

I'm sorry, but I'm not going to be in a tiny-ass room with 300 plus teens and arrogant adults crowded.

We did get some art, though. I bought two pieces of art off of Katlin, and old friend from SCF. She's at Ringling now, and not having the best time.

It really annoyed me when they told the adults to please leave the room. Some of these teens were really young, like eleven to fourteen. If I was a parent, I would've said no, too.

All in all, it was a horrible experience. I'm really glad we left early.

After we got back to my house, we watched a bunch of Criminal Minds episodes, so that Kit won't be so far behind.

Than Mom took us to Outback.

THAT was an adventure.

Basically, our waitress was an idiot. Having been a waitress, I really don't like saying that, but it was beyond true..

She put in the entree orders, than two minutes later the Blooming Onion. I was annoyed.

Mom lost it.

Let's just say for three meals, it was quite a cheap check.

We went home and watched a new anime. Strain: Strategic Armored Infantry.

Kit needs to come home.

I want to finish it!

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