Tuesday, January 17, 2012

October 10, 2011

PSA for the world:

If you have a problem with someone, say it to their face.

DON'T take it to Facebook.

And, if you can't fucking figure that out, than fucking own up to it!

Don't be a GOD DAMN coward and hide behind excuses!

Baring that, because your a God Damn Bitch, you whine that I'm a jerk and a bunch of other grade nine insults.






Here's the best idea for you.

Never return to our group.

You won't be missed.

October 9, 2011

Crazy driving day for me!


Publix for food for tomorrow.

Jersey Mikes for dinner.

Target for mismatching SOCKS!!

I am such a fanatic.

Parish the thought.

October 8, 2011

Mom and I are playing a Scrabble game a day.

Every time it looks like I'm gonna win...

and then...

She plays a psycho word.

And I loose.



I hate my life.

October 7, 2011

My hand hurts.

This Mid-Term Notebook is EVIL.

That is all.

October 6, 2011

Barely made it home in time to watch Season Seven, Episode 3 "Dorado Falls."

I completely tweeted my way through it!

I think I'll just copy down the tweets!

[[22 Tweets here. I'm saving my fingers by not typing them up. XD]]

October 5, 2011

It's the real Criminal Minds Night!

(Colleen's torture burned my memory out.)

Plus I might get a new phone!

Here's to hoping!

Sorry, gotta run. Dinner!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

October 4, 2011

It's the eve of Criminal Minds Night!

And Colleen got me in the mood to write! Yay!

She and I had a picture war!

She spammed me with Harry Potter porn.



Please give me a second to shudder, thanks so much.



I, on the other hand, put up tasteful Hotch/Reid art. Really tasteful Hotch/Reid art.



Hotch/Reid art.

Dear God, my eyes still burn from Colleen's spam.

October 3, 2011

I officially have a massive headache.

I want to write.

This does not bode well.

October 2, 2011

Note to self; Never assume that a local convention will be worth it. Because it never will.

We were there for about a half an hour before bailing.

I'm sorry, but I'm not going to be in a tiny-ass room with 300 plus teens and arrogant adults crowded.

We did get some art, though. I bought two pieces of art off of Katlin, and old friend from SCF. She's at Ringling now, and not having the best time.

It really annoyed me when they told the adults to please leave the room. Some of these teens were really young, like eleven to fourteen. If I was a parent, I would've said no, too.

All in all, it was a horrible experience. I'm really glad we left early.

After we got back to my house, we watched a bunch of Criminal Minds episodes, so that Kit won't be so far behind.

Than Mom took us to Outback.

THAT was an adventure.

Basically, our waitress was an idiot. Having been a waitress, I really don't like saying that, but it was beyond true..

She put in the entree orders, than two minutes later the Blooming Onion. I was annoyed.

Mom lost it.

Let's just say for three meals, it was quite a cheap check.

We went home and watched a new anime. Strain: Strategic Armored Infantry.

Kit needs to come home.

I want to finish it!

October 1, 2011

It's my sister's birthday!

For the next 44 days, Kit and I will be the same age: twenty!

We're going to Mana-con!

This shall be fun!

September 30, 2011

I have a headache. I wrote a story.

It's SRMT.

It's called "Street Racing."

I'm going to hell.


"So let me get this straight. You, in a complete moment of idiocy, decided that trying to street race through the streets of Shuggazoom was a brilliant idea, and you actually did it twice, only to get caught by Antauri."

"That's the gist of it…"

"The fact that you're alive is just wonderful. Wait, the fact they let you drive is a miracle."

"You do realize that Antauri already gave me an hour long lecture, right?"

"You don't deserve a lecture!"

"Why thank you. Tell that to Antauri!"

"You, Mister I'm-Shuggazoom's-Hero-And-I'll-Do-Whatev
er-I-Please, deserve to be in jail!"

"I thought you were on my side!"

"Why? You should be six feet under, not whining about a little lecture that you earned. It's pathetic, really."

"Thanks for the vote of support, Nova."

"You're welcome, Sprx!"

The resident leader of the Monkey Team and his second-in-command sat in the otherwise deserted main room. Both were alternating smirks and winces, as Nova reamed Sprx a new one.

"Should I go and save Sprx?" Chiro asked, glancing at his mentor in a moment of silence.

"No. I believe this is the best punishment he could ever ask for."

September 29, 2011

Wings, Kelly and I have picked apart the new CM episode.

Me thinks we have no lives.

September 28, 2011

Hanging out with Kit is always a brilliant thing.

For one thing, doing a Yu-Gi-Oh! Fake Card Flambe is hilarious! And filming it and putting it on YouTube is just perfect.

Plus, going to see Abduction is epic!

September 27, 2011

Is it bad that I'm mainlining Pepsi and Criminal Minds to keep my sanity?

You think I'm joking, but I'm not.

I've been drinking a massive amount of Pepsi to stay awake.

I've been watching an obscene about of Criminal Minds just so that I can act normal.

Well, normal for me, anyway.

September 26, 2011

Finishing class before it starts kicks ass.

And yes, that actuall makes sense.

In my environmental science class, we had a test. He set it out at 7:50 AM and said, "Have at it." Kelly and I did.

We were out at 7:58 AM.

Class starts at eight.

I think I win.


I've been trying to work on my story for Box 2.

My friends REALLY don't want me to.

No, seriously.

Every time I open the file, they BITCH.

I cussed them out when they bitched about me writing in my journal, so I guess there is "some" process.

Now if I could just get my ex to go away, we'd all be really good.


It's odd.

Wings, Twilight, and Miranda didn't show up.

Is it bad that I'm worried?

September 25, 2011

Finally got to see my sister again. It's been about... two months? I think?

Kit's the artist in the family. She goes to Art Institute of Tampa, and is going for some graphic degree.

She and I are nearly the same, except for the artist/writer difference.

She gave me a stack of ideas for my stories, but of course they suck.

No wonder I'm the writer.

September 24, 2011


I'm kinda insae.

I have kinda watched all of my favorite episodes of Criminal Minds.

I'm now bouncing in my chair.


Now I'm gonna cry.